Social Networks is a must have app for all social media users. it contains all popular social networking sites and one can access your favorite social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte (VK), Pinterest etc. through this app.Why to install tens of individual apps for each social network when you can access all of them in only one app, that is Social Networks app.List of all supported social Networks:***Social Media All in One***FacebookTwitterLinkedInSnapchatZooskBadooMeetmeMail.ruTopfaceMocoFlipboardInstagramYoutubeDailymotionVineGoogle+OutlookGmailYahooAol.mail9gagVimeoMylifeBuzzFeedSoundcloudLifehackerFandangoHabboCyworldClassmatesDevianartFotologLast.fmTwooboxNetflixslackMediumYik YakPlenty of FishPhotobucketYelpDiggBitlyMatch and TalkPinterestMyspaceTumblrFlickrMeetupRedditSina Weibohi5QzoneVKontakte (VK)OdnoklassnikiWe Heart ItWaynSocial Networks app is a big time saver and big space saver as it contains all social media sites at one place. If you don’t find your favorite social networking site, please let us know, we will try to add it in the future updates.Disclaimer:We are not affiliated with any of the services accessed through this app. This app only directs the user to avail required service and we are not responsible for any financial or technical difficulties faced by the user due to network failure, device failure or any other complications.User of this app is solely responsible for sharing of his personal data with the social networking sites listed in this app. We are in no way have control over your data, all the information you access are through the official sites of listed social networks.If you face any problem using this app or need any improvement please email us.